2011年8月9日 星期二

male gaze

male gaze  是來自與謝家欣的討論發現的新奇名詞

上網查了一下什麼是male gaze    因為是英文的解釋   所以不太有自信能掌握male gaze 到底是什麼


Laura Mulvey, in her essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema", introduced the concept of the male gaze as a symptom of power asymmetry, hypothesizing about what she called the "male gaze." The theory of the male gaze has been hugely influential in feminist film theory and in media studies.
The defining characteristic of the male gaze is that the audience is forced to regard the action and characters of a text through the perspective of a heterosexual man; the camera lingers on the curves of the female body, and events which occur to women are presented largely in the context of a man's reaction to these events. The male gaze denies women agency, relegating them to the status of objects. The female reader or viewer must experience the narrative secondarily, by identification with the male.
Mulvey's essay was one of the first to articulate the idea that sexism can exist not only in the content of a text, but in the way that text is presented, and in its implications about its expected audience.
Some theorists also have noted the degrees to which persons are encouraged to gaze upon women in advertising, sexualizing the female body even in situations where female sexiness has nothing to do with the product being advertised.

Shot reverse shot in feminist film theory

In considering the way that films are put together, many feminist film critics have pointed to the "male gaze" that predominates in classical Hollywood filmmaking. Laura Mulvey's essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" gave one of the most widely influential versions of this argument. This argument holds that through the use of various film techniques, such as shot reverse shot, a typical film's viewer becomes aligned with the point of view of its male protagonist. Notably, women function as objects of this gaze far more often than as proxies for the spectator.

我想大概地說 就是男生目光下的女生形象

通常是有色的吧 就像很多線上遊戲廣告裡一堆穿少少的正妹      

不可否認看廣告還能看正妹是不錯 但他們泛濫到一種境界 到最後竟然連男性玩家也看不下去    靠北說玩游戲又不是看a片   找一堆正妹在廣告裡賣弄性感是要幹嘛

當然是為了吸引男生啊  還能幹嘛  不然為什麼會有車展女郎 展場show girl   
我想 male gaze  沒有什麼     就像物化女性一樣    本身沒有什麼錯   不過是圖眼快   不登大雅也無傷大雅      只要不過度就好

我想爭議點在於    male gaze 與 female gaze 在社會上的呈現    一個很多 一個很少    比如電影 廣告 商品訴求等等      為何美女經濟如此巨大     而以女性為訴求的宣傳手法卻少之又少   

之前台灣有個珠寶展    廠商為了吸引女性 雇用帥氣的保全 一兼二顧    

同樣的道理    為何沒有化妝廠商雇用帥氣男性sales 來促進消費呢?   就算不專業    站在旁邊當花瓶也好啊

中視的長青節目 我猜 我猜 我猜猜猜 其中的內容十之九點九都跟正妹有關    真的少有關於型男的主題    這真的很奇怪 女性收看者有一半吔    都不用顧的嗎???

我覺得物化女性之所以受到女性的抨擊     一來是因為泛濫    另一方面也是male gaze  與 female gaze 兩方數量巨大的不對等

假設今天男性的物化與女性的物化是差不多數量的 我想大家對女花瓶這個角色設不會那麼敏感    可以放鬆心情來看待 就像我們看待某些刻劃膚淺   只是為了突顯某些男性愚蠢本性的角色 比如好色的大老闆 跟蒼蠅一樣的追求者    財大氣粗的老男人......

個人認為物化這個議題是很次要的  沒什麼意義   它的意義唯有在數量極端泛濫時才會顯現

好比說 很多故事裡  男生都被目為一群下半身動物  這也是一種物化  但沒什麼人想抗議     一來是因為男生比較不介意這種貶低     而且跟女生相比   的確比較下半身思考

二來也是這類物化還不算泛濫    如果這種想法普遍充斥於社會意識裡   男生多少也會有些不爽

我覺得真正值得探討的是為何male gaze 會大勝 female gaze

現在社會這麼開放    這種male gaze 的文化慣性應該要減弱了才是    可是美女經濟怎麼還是大勝型男經濟?   我在想是不是因為男生外貌對於女生的吸引力不如女生之於男生 所以造成差異

另外 會不會也是一種習慣的固定      用美女來吸引男生已行之有年  大家都覺得理所當然
而用型男去推銷女性產品 比如在珠寶、化妝品、女性用車旁邊擺弄風情等等 大家看了會覺得很不習慣   畢竟沒有先例

搞不好只是因為沒有跨出第一步的關係    導致型男經濟沒辦法長足發展

